Friday, March 22, 2019

Welcome back!!

So I’m currently on a flight to Dallas and have about 2 hours and 45 minutes of free time. Why not use this time to work on my project!?!?!?

I already know how to use the basic functions of Photoshop, but since I am going to be using it to enhance and edit my pictures, I thought it would be a good idea to refresh my memory and learn some new cool things about the application.

My mom is an expert in Photoshop and will most likely be able to guide me when I am using the application, but I would still like to learn how to be comfortable with it.

I have been reading some articles and watching from Youtube videos to try to learn as much as I can.

This trustworthy article ⬆ comes straight from the software company that creates Photoshop, so I thought it would be a good place to start. This site introduces you to the basic functions of Photoshop and how to locate your way around the software. There are lots of images which are very helpful when using a complicated form of technology like Photoshop. 

This certain part of the site talked about something that is specifically useful to my project. For my ad that I created with the perfume, I need to cut out the perfume bottle in the picture and then re paste it on top of the same image just larger and more in the foreground of the image. So, these steps can help me complete that. 

I felt that it would help me if I could watch an actual screen recording of someone moving an object onto an image so I watched a couple Youtube videos to make sure I knew exactly what to do. 

These videos were very helpful and easy to understand. I know exactly how to do what I want to do and won't have to stress about it as I'm trying to do it.

So until next time!
XOXO, Sophie

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