Thursday, February 27, 2020

Class Meeting!!

Happy Thursday!

Today the entire school's wifi was down. So, in media class today we really weren't able to work on our projects, but instead we got into a big circle with the whole class and had a group discussion about our projects. Each person was able to share with the class any struggles or concerns that they were having with their project and then the class was able to give collective advice and suggestions.

This meeting was extremely helpful, as it is still early in the project and many people still are not sure what to do. During the meeting, I shared my ideas with the class and asked if my classmates had any input on episode ideas and things I can do to help make my piece more unique and different than other documentaries.

I got a lot of good input from my classmates. My classmates and I discussed excerpt ideas and I may have been influenced to focus my excerpt more on the POV of the school board and how they attempt to deal with the vaping epidemic. I feel that focusing on this might give me a little more room to get different points of views from different administrators and security officers. I could also speak to authority from both high school and middle school. I feel like it would be a lot less repetitive than focusing on parents.

A couple of people also gave me the suggestion on focusing on the POV of health professionals and what they think about the epidemic. I like this idea but I feel that it is a lot harder to execute than the one with school officials. I am going to think more about the school officials one and try to compose a list of questions that I could ask.

I was also told to watch the "Explained" series on Netflix. This series creates relatively short episodes that focus on a range of topics. I plan on watching these later this week and I will probably create a separate blog post that focuses just on me analyzing the series.

So, until next time!

xoxo, Sophie

Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday Madness!

Happy Monday!

I have of things to get done this week!! Today I want to be done compiling a list of episode ideas. I have been doing more research on documentaries and docuseries that already exist about the vaping topic and topics similar to vaping. I have decided that five episodes is going to be a good amount for me to think of.

I think that for the episode that I actually film the excerpt from I want to focus on the point of views of parents and what they think about this vaping epidemic. For my documentary at the beginning of the year, I focused on two teenagers and their experiences with vaping. I felt that focusing on teenagers who have personally been affected by the effects of vaping was very powerful and really showed how serious this problem is. Here is a link to my documentary if you want to take a look!

I was really happy with how the interviews with the two teenagers went, but I am also looking forward to seeing a different point of view. I feel that by interviewing parents I am able to see an outsiders view on the issue. I plan on reading the parents some statistics and quotes from teenagers who vape and having the parents discuss how they feel about them.

As for the other episodes, I have compiled a list of other ideas.

  • Vaping epidemic- POV of school administration
  • Vaping epidemic- POV of medical professionals
  • Behind the scenes with CEO of Juul
  • Vaping epidemic- POV of people personally affected by vaping (in hospital or people who have lost loved ones)
These are just potential ideas. I do not have to actually produce these episodes so I have a little more room with creativity and abstract ideas. 

So, that's all for today! Throughout the week I plan on researching and gathering more information for the excerpt. 

xoxo. Sophie

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Schedule Time!

Happy Sunday!

I just wanted to pop in and write a quick post to show you the schedule I created for this project. This project is much bigger than last year and has more components to it, so I really need to make sure I manage my time wisely. In order to help myself stay on track, I made this schedule. I don't need to adhere to it perfectly, but I plan on using it as a guideline to make sure I will get everything done before the due date.

I really think that this schedule will help me stay on track throughout the next few weeks. I will probably make changes to this as I move through the project, but you have to start somewhere!

So, until next time.

xoxo, Sophie

Friday, February 21, 2020

Topic Research!

Happy Friday!

In my last post I started talking about what I wanted to do for my docuseries topic. I have been thinking about it some more and I really like the idea of continuing this idea of vaping. I am really passionate about the topic and I feel that when I am passionate about the topic, I am more motivated and interested in creating the piece.

Although I am going to focus on vaping, I do not plan on making any of the episodes the same as what I created for my documentary project earlier in the year. I plan on doing a lot of research to try and see what new stories and information I can share about the epidemic of vaping.

Since it is a docuseries, I will have to think of ideas for multiple episodes. I only have to create an excerpt from one of the episodes, but I still have to write descriptions of all of the episodes on the website.

I have been doing some research and I am thinking of trying to create an episode on the views of parents, and how they feel about the vaping epidemic. I am very curious about how parents feel about the epidemic. I also want to possibly read some statistics and quotes from teenagers who vape and I want to hear the reactions from parents.

I am going to continue researching what is already out there about vaping and see if anything I read or watch sparks any ideas for things that I can create. I really love doing research and trying to learn new things about topics that interest me. Over the next few days I am going to try to compile a list of 5 ideas relating to vaping that could potentially be an episode in my docuseries. 

So, until next time!

xoxo, Sophie

Thursday, February 20, 2020

It's That Time of Year Again!

Wow! I really can't believe that it's that time of year already! It's time to start my portfolio project! I really feel like it was just yesterday that I was working on my magazine spread for my AS level project. Working on that project was so stressful but also so fun and I was so proud of how it turned out. So, this year I am so excited to work so hard again and produce something that I am so proud of.

Last year my project was solely a print component,  but this year in A level, my project is made up of digital, video, and print components. I am so excited to challenge myself with these new mediums. I will be completing the documentary project, which includes a 5 minute excerpt from an original docuseries, a website, and a poster.

I've started doing some research on what docuseries I want to make. Earlier this year I created a short documentary about the epidemic of vaping and how much it is affecting the teen population. I am really passionate about this topic and enjoyed creating a documentary about it. I have been brainstorming some ideas for my docuseries that kind of continue on this vaping epidemic path. I feel that there are so many different ways that I could approach this topic. I am going to continue doing research on the topic and if I feel that I could make a solid docuseries then I will make that my official topic.

Later this week I am going to post more about my topic choice and I am also going to compose a schedule that I hope to adhere to throughout this process. So, until next time!

xoxo, Sophie